Consumer360° 2022 update

12 May 2022 Posted by: Sarah Brown Insights Media Releases News
Consumer 360

Consumer 360 Degree is an exclusive report looking at unique consumer credit and spend behaviour since the Covid-19 outbreak.

Covid-19 has significantly impacted New Zealanders. Organisations are struggling to understand the changing consumer landscape and the implication that Covid-19 has had on consumer spending and credit across the regions.

Created in collaboration with Datamine, the Consumer 360 Degree report offers in-depth analysis into consumer spend and credit trends since the COVID-19 outbreak in New Zealand.

The Consumer360° 2022 update takes a closer look at the impact of Covid-19 to give you a granular view of consumer credit and spending trends in New Zealand from January 2021 through to January 2022, and how this compares against the 2020 Consumer360° report.

The retail lens in particular will provide fresh insights to the Credit Risk community.

Click here to download the report for free