Security Alert

Security Alert is a service provided by Centrix in partnership with service providers who have suffered a data breach.  Security Alert assists people affected by a data breach by monitoring their Centrix credit report and notifying them if any activity occurs on their credit report.

How does Security Alert assist me?

Many service providers credit check new customers when they apply for credit – for instance when taking out a loan, applying for finance or opening a new power or broadband account.  If your information has been exposed by a data breach, you may be at risk of credit or identity fraud. Credit fraud occurs when someone else tries to use your identity to apply for credit in your name

Security Alert allows you to monitor your Centrix credit report and take action if any unexpected activity occurs on your report. It is quick and easy to set up online and assures you peace of mind. Once Security Alert has been activated, Centrix will notify you when activity occurs on your Centrix credit report.

How much and for how long?

Security Alert is a complimentary service as we have partnered with your service provider as part of the support they are providing you due to the data breach they have suffered. It will be provided to you for 12-months from the day you make your request to set up Security Alert with Centrix.

To activate Security Alert you will need to complete the form below, with a current activation code provided by your service provider.

We know that having your security breached can be distressing if you need any help at any stage please call us on 0800 236 874 and we are happy to guide you through this process.

    To activate Security Alert you will need to complete the form below, with a current activation code provided by your service provider:


    Have you ever used another name?

    Area Code + Phone Number

    Have you been at your current address for less than 3 years?

    You will need to obtain this activation code from your service provider where the data security breach has taken place.


    The information you provide us on this application form is used to confirm your identity and to satisfy ourselves that we are monitoring your credit report and not someone else. If we cannot satisfy ourselves of your identity, we may require further information from you, or may not be able to monitor your credit report. If we cannot do this, we will give you reasons for this.

    Your name, address, date of birth information you provide updates your credit information to ensure the most recent and accurate information is on your credit file. This information may be made available to credit bureau subscribers when inquiring on your file in the future in accordance with the Code. As an example, this information may be made available when a subscriber is assessing an application for credit made by you (with your consent).

    If you believe any of the information we hold on you is incorrect, please contact us.

    Our contact details:


    Phone: 09 9669706

    Post: PO Box 62512, Greenlane, Auckland 1546

    Our Working hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30AM to 4PM

    I confirm that I am requesting Centrix Group Limited monitor my consumer credit file and notify me by email if there is any activity to my credit file. The details I have provided on this form are true and correct. I have read and understood the Privacy Information set out above.