How does CCR help your business?

22 May 2022 Posted by: Sarah Brown Business Insights Resources
How does CCR help your business?

Centrix uses payment information, also known as Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR), to assess how likely New Zealand consumers and businesses are to pay their bills, through credit reports which feature credit scores.

Since 2012, Centrix and other credit bureaus have been able to use CCR to provide more predictive data to their customers. That is, collecting and reporting on the amount of credit people and businesses are accessing and their monthly payment track records, whether positive or negative.

In the past, little information was known about most New Zealanders – so information on credit defaults could only be used to screen out people and businesses who had low creditworthiness.

Now, with CCR , thorough payment information is available through Centrix on over 95% of New Zealand consumers and many credit-active Kiwi businesses.

This means Centrix credit reports show how well people and businesses pay their bills each month, by summarising personal and business credit account repayment history.

This information can be used to tailor terms of trade based on credit score by, for example, assigning a higher or lower interest rate (otherwise known as risk-based pricing), or setting credit limits.

People and businesses who pay their bills on time have higher credit scores and can access credit at lower interest rates and with better terms.

The process of applying for credit has also been simplified, as credit reports reduce the need for time-consuming documentation, and can help businesses make quick decisions about who to extend credit to.

By including a detailed repayment history in credit reports, businesses have a wide view of payment behaviour for each business and consumer. That means that if the business or person has experienced a period of payment distress, they can show an improvement in their financial status in the following months, giving them a better chance to access credit at good rates.

Businesses can also use credit reports to flag changes in repayment history for a current customer, such as recent missed payments to other providers, that can be used to identify financial difficulty.

Given the amount of your financial payment data that’s available, it’s important to maintain a good credit history by consistently paying your bills on time. If you have problems paying a bill for any reason, it’s important to have a conversation with your credit provider to explore options such as extending payment terms, so that you can rectify your arrears position as quickly as possible.

What’s my business credit score?

Centrix Business Reports contain comprehensive financial information about your business from a wide range of sources. Your credit score is a summary of the information in the report, designed to provide a snapshot of creditworthiness.

To find out your business credit score get a Centrix Business Credit Report here.

Get credit reports online

To get a credit report and access the credit score and creditworthiness rating of a person or business before extending credit, visit

Every business has a credit score – the higher the score, the greater your cashflow protection.